Welcome to the USS Astraea!

Welcome to the USS Astraea, a proud Pegasus Fleet Sim!

Honor, Loyalty, Integrity, Courage, Class.

The Year is 2394. The Dominion War has ended Voyager has returned home from it's long overdue mission, and Starfleet is at a time where it is looking to the future of exploration and technological advancement, while watching the moves of its former enemies, and being ready for the predators of tomorrow.

The USS Astraea, an Odyssey Class Explorer under the command of Captain Abigail Laurens, is on its way to helping Starfleet achieve its mission. To explore uncharted territories and strange new worlds. Here there are no simple answers... there are no new and amazing borg defying weapon. There are no wonderful transwarp drives to travel anywhere in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. NO same tired routine of fighting one borg battle after another, or yet another ship lost in a far off quadrant.

So, what does happen on the USS Astraea?

Well, that's up to you. The USS Astraea is a meeting point for people with creative ideas, yet hold true to the ideals of Star Trek. It is a place not only to write, but to explore strange new people, to seek out new friends, and possibly new civilizations.

Teamwork and fun are the key ideals of being a part of a great simulation. It will be up to you to make this simulation great. You have the power to make things happen!

Recruiting today!

The USS Astraea is a PROUD member sim of Pegasus Fleet, representing Taskforce 37.

Latest News Items

» July Awards

Posted on Sun Jul 26th, 2020 @ 6:36pm by Captain Abigail Laurens in General News

So, First of all, I have to give you all my sincerest apologies.

With everything that has been going on, I completely forgot to send out the award announcements at the beginning of this month.

So, here they are:

Captain's Merit: Lieutenant Commander William Rogers
XO's Carrot: Lieutenant Haru Hernandez
Crew's Choice: Lieutenant Bianca Lee
Exemplary Player: Lieutenant Haru Hernandez
POTM Nomination: Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Hayter --

We completed the month with a total of 52 posts.

Thank you everyone for your ongoing patience with everything that's been going on. Y'all are awesome and I love you for it! <3

» USS Astraea - 1 Year Anniversary

Posted on Fri Jun 12th, 2020 @ 9:56am by Captain Abigail Laurens in General News

USS Astraea - NCC80819

Supplementary Report


CO's Report:

12 months ago today, history was made in Pegasus Fleet with the launch of the USS Astraea, NCC 80819. They say the first 6 months will make or break a sim, so to reach 1 year is a milestone to be proud of, a milestone that we have achieved together. On day one we hit the ground running, and in the past 12 months we have not only thrived, we have excelled. We have gone from strength to strength and in doing so, we have not only done ourselves proud, but we have done our Fleet proud as well.

We have shared our love with 24 players.
We have written a total of 740 posts.
We achieved a top post count of 163 posts per month (July 2019)
We were awarded the 2019 Sim Of The Year for Pegasus Fleet.
Our XO, Ichiko Gail, was awarded 2019 Executive Officer Of The Year for Pegasus Fleet.
We celebrated the promotion of Ichiko Gail from Lieutenant Commander to Commander.
We celebrated the promotion of William Rogers from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander.
We celebrated the promotion of Calvin Morgan from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander.

We have taken every challenge in our stride and we have forged on, and through it all, we have formed a group of Friends that I am proud to claim as my own.

Everything we have achieved, we have done together, and none of it would be possible without our players, past and present and for that, I very humbly thank each and every one of you for being part of our amazing success story.

Congratulations to ALL of you for a phenomenal first year, and here is to many, many more to come!


XO's Report:

For those who have been with us since the beginning, we hope to see you all through to the end. From the first tag to the next, and to all the posts to come, the Astraea wouldn't be what it is without all of you. To those who were with us at the beginning, we thank you especially.


Remaining Original Launch Crew:

Remaining Launch Crew:
Captain Abigail Laurens
Commander Ichiko Gail
Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan
Lieutenant William Gunnison
Lieutenant Alexis Anera
Lieutenant Commander William Rogers


» USS Astraea -- NCC 80819 -- Commanding Officers Report -- February 2020

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 5:06pm by Captain Abigail Laurens in General News

Sim Information

February saw a somewhat quieter month, but we still managed to more than meet our goals! With a total of 39 posts for the month and a PPP average of 2.6 we're still well above where we need to be. Great work everyone!

Mission Information

Dead Moon

We successfully survived hell! We located the ship and we're back into clear space. Our away team is currently on the alien ship to see if they can determine who it belongs to. We have two Romulan warbirds on an intercept course, and Starfleet Intelligence on our tails.

And you're all about to have some big decisions to make, so be prepared!

Next Month's Challenge

This is something new that I want to try. I'm going to lay out a challenge every month for anyone who wants to step up, which I'm hoping is everyone!

This month's challenge comes in two parts, a duty log and a personal log.

I'd like to see a personal post from everyone. You can do a personal post, reflecting on something from your past. You can do a personal post with another player doing something non duty related. There are no restrictions or specific requirements, but write something that shows us a little bit of who your character is.

Secondly, I want you ALL to team up and write a post with someone you've never written with before. (Light Bulb: You CAN combine both these challenges into one post if you want!) This should be an EASY challenge because we have two new players on the ship, so feel free to jump in and make them feel welcome!

Please make sure posts are a good length! Try and hit that magic mark of 500 words for a single post.

Now.. moving on to what I know you're all REALLY waiting for!!!


Drum Roll Please...






CO's Merit

Awarded to Lieutenant William Rogers

For always being involved and active, for always finding new and unique ways to stay involved when your position is on of the hardest on the ship to play, and for being committed enough to keep posting and tagging, even though you've been on holidays in one of the most gorgeous countries in the world!

XO's Merit

Awarded to Lieutenant Mica Rue

The Golden Carrot is given to those who rise above, who wrote not just as a hobby, but as an art. Who tell a story, and leave us as the reader wanting more. This Golden Carrot goes to Mica. We came along with you on a ride unlike any other. We suffered with you, and we waited for each part with anticipation. This Carrot belongs in your care.

Crew's Choice

Awarded to Lieutenant Calvin Morgan

Always being ready and willing to write, getting involved with everyone and making this truly enjoyable and interactive.

POTM Nomination

Wakey Wakey

By Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Commander Ichiko Gail & Lieutenant Calvin Morgan

» Ground Control Shuns Major Tom

Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2020 @ 1:49pm by Captain Abigail Laurens in General News

Ground Control Shuns Major Tom

In a startling turn of events, Ground Control has opted to cut the tether and leave Major Tom floating in his tin can, in a most peculiar way after a startling outpouring of retributional satire became public.

When approached for the interview, Lieutenant Dan seemed to be struggling to come to terms with the news. “This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he sobbed into his ice cream. “Not to me! I’m Lieutenant Dan!”

When questioned over the provable falsehoods published by Outpost 42 News ( ), Lieutenant Dan immediately leapt to the defence of his co-publisher and sometimes friend Major Tom by vehemently declaring; “We never published any proveable falsehoods! We were simply providing ‘Alternative Facts’!”

“Tell the truth, work hard and come to dinner on time, they are the only facts one needs,” responded long term simming advocate Gerald R Ford. “The simming dream does not come to those who fall asleep.”

Speaking out in defence of Major Tom and Outpost 42 news, John F Kennedy offered his own opinions on the matter. “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” He ended by offering his own words of advice to Lieutenant Dan. “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

In a rare and somewhat surprising display of frustration, Winston Churchill spoke out in defence of those who had been wronged. “Simming is not a game, but serious business! But, as I’ve always said, if you want to have the final say in an argument, just tell your opponent that they’re right,” he iterated before dropping the mic and walking away.

Despite initially being unavailable for comment, we awoke this morning to find a communication from Major Tom himself. “If an individual wants to be a leader and isn’t controversial, that means he never stood for anything. In the immortal words of my friend and mentor, Tricky Dicky, ‘I can take it. The tougher it gets, the cooler I get’.”

» October Crew Awards

Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2019 @ 9:31pm by Captain Abigail Laurens in General News

USS Astraea - Monthly Awards Announcement -- November 2019

All awards presented here are awarded for service during the month of October.

To all of our Award Winners,


Post of the Month:
A Refreshing Taste -- Lieutenant Alexis Anera

CO's Merit Award:
Lieutenant Alanah Matashi
For rising to a challenge, embracing the crazy of the mission and making it fun.

XO's Merit Award
Lieutenant Alexis Anera
For going outside their normal sphere of experience to write something from an outside perspective, and doing it well

Exemplary Service Award
Lieutenant William Gunnison
For outstanding performance in the month of October.

Crews Choice Award
Lieutenant Calvin Morgan
Almost everyone has written with him in some way this month and he has always made it fun and enjoyable. Thank you!

Keep up the great work and here’s to a very successful November!

Commander Abigail Laurens
Commanding Officer
USS Astraea

Latest Mission Posts

» Invisible Battle Scars

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 1:35pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Veznia MD PSyD

Abigail sat comfortably enough in the counselor's office, at least to outward appearances, but deep within there was a sense of unease she was not able to quash. "I keep expecting calls from him," she said softly, casting a glance toward the counselor before her eyes drifted around the room…

» Brandy Bottle? What Brandy Bottle?

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 6:03am by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Captain Abigail Laurens

There were some advantages to being Commanding Officer. One usually knew where to find, or how to source what one wanted. In some instances such sourcing could even be done with little to no assistance, or at least with a blind eye turned in her direction.

Abigail wanted a drink.…

» Tongue Twisters

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Warrant Officer Koh Ottasu

Shaille sat cross legged on the floor, staring at the PaDD in her hand, a look of intense concentration on her face as her mouth moved, silently sounding out the words in front of her, or at least, she hoped that was what she was doing. Without the sound there…

» Let The Panic Begin

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 9:59pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

Abigail sat on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table, an array of PaDD's spread across the surface in front of her, one largely untouched mug of Chai teetering precariously close to the edge.

Though she heard the doors to her ready room open, she didn't look up.…

» Operations Prep

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 9:26pm by Lieutenant Commander William Gunnison & Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

No small matter had landed directly in Ichiko's lap, at a time when the Captain needed as few distractions as possible. To move on, to grieve, to continue. To that end, Ichiko stepped up on the duties and details of their next assignment. She walked through the halls of the…

Latest Personal Logs

» Trepidation, Jitters and a new beginning

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2022 @ 11:02pm by

Personal Log Star date XXXX – Bral Magnamus

Captain Dean has just left my quarters. He stopped by to let me know that the Little Rock is coming up on Tabula Rasa where my permanent duty station is. I thanked him for the ride and the ability to get used…

» In The Event Of My Death

Posted on Wed May 5th, 2021 @ 9:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Rozia



Evelyn sat herself in front of her terminal and brushed her bangs back from the front of her face and smiled at the camera pickup, then reached out and hit the record button.

"Hi, my…

» Here we Go again

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2020 @ 1:33am by Lieutenant Craig O'Donnaghue


Craig walked into his quarters, more spacey than he was used to he had all of his previous furniture moved over from the Andromeda. Over his sofa was a little black throw that his mother had knitted for him, his books adorned the shelves close to his double bed…

» Back where the vibrations feel good...until they don't

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2020 @ 11:52pm by Lieutenant Mica Rue

Personal Log, Lt Mica Rue.

"I had forgotten how good this feels.

There was little camaraderie on Trill. At the Capital Institution teams would root for each other. The Trill would encourage and celebrate successes, and lend a downcast eye when something went wrong. But deep down, you always knew…

» Personal Log: Settling In

Posted on Tue Aug 11th, 2020 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant JG Gypsy Sage


Gypsy settled into the nice sofa in her quarters. She had added her touch to it of course adding a nice throw and some ridiculously plush pillows. She lay back and sighed. "Computer begin personal log."

The computer chirped twice telling her that she could go ahead and start…