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Brandy Bottle? What Brandy Bottle?

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 6:03am by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Location: CMO's Office

There were some advantages to being Commanding Officer. One usually knew where to find, or how to source what one wanted. In some instances such sourcing could even be done with little to no assistance, or at least with a blind eye turned in her direction.

Abigail wanted a drink.

Scratch that.

She didn't want a drink.

She needed a drink.

Making an appearance in the lounge or the mess hall or anywhere else on the ship would attract attention, something she wasn't in the mood to deal with, which was exactly why she had chosen her location with a great deal of thought and care... and why she was sitting on the floor behind the desk of the Chief Medical Officer at zero three hundred hours, a half empty bottle of Saurian Brandy sitting on the carpet next to her knee and a near empty glass in her hand.

The night shift head nurse had waved her away with an "I don't even want to know" look and just moved on with her rounds, leaving her to her own devices. She moved to her own office and called to wake the Chief Medical Officer to let him know of his visitor.

It took some time, but a half groggy, half dressed doctor eventually appeared. He knocked on his own door and walked in. He placed his uniform coat over the back of his chair before grabbing himself a glass. He set himself next to the Captain, borrowed the bottle to pour himself a drink, topped hers off, and then set it between the two of them. He stared at the same wall she was looking at. His first sip was small, and held it in his mouth for a few seconds to savor the taste before swallowing it.

"Who told on me?" Abigail didn't bother looking toward the CMO, instead she raised the refilled glass to her lips and took a sip, closing her eyes and resting her head back against the cool wall behind her.

"That question assumes guilt or fault. It simply took me a moment to make it here after you got checked in. I normally frown on premedication before examination. However you seem to have dosed yourself appropriately, so I won't make a fuss over it this time." Calvin took another sip of his drink. "There is another bottle hidden behind where you found that one if we make it to that point."

"If?" Abigail queried. "You say that like there is some doubt?" She took another sip of her drink and sighed softly. "We're about to be invaded by Ts'usugi," she added quietly. "Lots of them. They're all on their way here, to the Astraea."

"Oh?" Calvin responded, taking another sip. "I've heard rumors of something happening soon. I hope this is at least a peaceful invasion?"

"Kinetic doesn't seem too peaceful to me." Abigail smirked and finished her drink, setting the glass down for a moment. "We're hosting a tournament, something about good will and..." she shrugged. "Damned if I can remember right now."

"Well, if they are only going to beat each other up, that still counts as a peaceful invasion in my opinion," Calvin responded, looking at his glass. "Diplomacy, something you may not always like, but pull off incredibly well. I'm sure you'll remember whatever else besides good will is involved on this one." Calvin took a sip. Tasted the smooth burn. Turned his glass again. It was simple and hefty. The medical symbol engraved was more pronounced in the part of the glass that still held the spirit.

"However, you don't seek my medications for simple diplomacy matters," Calvin stated. "I will always drink in silence with you. And will happily again tonight. But I don't think diplomacy is our ailment tonight."

"Diplomacy rarely is," Abigail replied softly as she reached for the bottle and topped off her glass before handing it across to him. She lapsed into silence, leaving a long moment where it wasn't entirely sure if she would say any more or not, before she finally spoke again. "It feels wrong to be celebrating when we should be mourning," she said softly.

Calvin took a sip and replied with a simple "Mmm." He pondered the legitimate and hefty statement she made. There was no rush to answer. "I feel," he finally started, "that we can celebrate a life and mourn a loss in the same breath. A terrible loss, especially hard for some," He took another sip, "But also incredible lives to celebrate having been with. Lives our Ts'usugi friends hold highly, having a vessel listening for them."

The dark haired woman didn't bother to respond, at least not verbally. Instead, she raised the glass to her lips and swallowed hard, wincing as the liquor burned its way down her throat. She shook her head, grimacing slightly but pouring another drink. "Hope you're up to speed on your Ts'usugi anatomy," she said quietly, obviously changing the subject. "From what I've seen Kinetic can be a brutal sport."

"Yes, I've been doing some brushing up recently on their anatomy," Calvin replied, "How are you doing separating the grieving as Captain with the crew and for yourself personally?" Calvin asked, changing the subject back. "You are in a spot I feel no other is dealing with." He sipped his drink, switching it from one hand to the other.

Abigail winced at the blunt topic change. She reached over, topped off her glass with the bottle and held it toward him. "Surely this gives you some idea," she said quietly, trying to hide the emotion in her voice.

"Recognizing the two sides is at least the right direction," Calvin responded calmly, and a bit quickly. He waited an extra moment before continuing. "Being strong for the crew doesn't make your grieving mean any less. You unfortunately have a job to do. And you do it incredibly well." Calvin responded, sipping his drink. He turned to look at her. "You and I both know there isn't a thing in the world I can say that will make the pain go away. However, the Captain has done right by those that are missing, both in her acts of solemnness and acts of celebration. Let Abigail do her thing as well. Just as each crew member has both celebrated and mourned together, and has taken time on their own."

"There are some things better left undone," she replied quietly. "For a multitude of reasons." she stared at the desk in front of her, her expression becoming distant as her thoughts wandered for just the briefest of moments before she shook her head and cast a glance toward Calvin. "It's easier in the long run."

"And there are some things better left done, even if it is harder," Calvin replied picking up the mostly empty bottle of brandy to top off his glass again, "Like finishing this bottle." He slid the bottle back over to his drinking partner.

Her expression softened, the corners of her mouth edging up in a small, but genuine smile. "I do hate leaving things unfinished."


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