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Away Team One: Miner problems

Posted on Wed Aug 19th, 2020 @ 5:48am by Lieutenant Commander William Rogers & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Warrant Officer Koh Ottasu

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Kessik IV mining station

Buck made his way over to the sensor array. He tapped his comm badge. "Ghost; Rogers. Have you been able to pick up any life-signs from the inside the mines?"

"Copy. What's in those mines is affecting sensor accuracy, but they're picking up positive signals. I see groups heading deeper, and groups that are remaining stationary. Are there friendlies in the mine seeking injured? Over."

"Affirmative, Ghost." Buck replied. "There's already mine crews searching the mines for survivors. Standby to transmit sensor data."

"Copy, standing by." Ghost reported, preparing the sensor feeds for transmission. He hoped Callisi's mission was going as smooth.

"Valenna?" Buck asked as he turned in the direction of the mine's sensor rig. "How's things looking on your end? We're 'Go' for data transfer on our end."

When he received an affirmative Buck nodded and tapped his comm badge. ""Ghost; Rogers. Begin transmission."

"Copy, transmission in three... two... one..." Koh recited, before beginning the upload. He started with the most recent readings, then proceeded to send the archive of the last ten minutes. Mostly to establish patterns of movement, or if a larger signal was actually two or three separate readings huddled together. Shifting debris, dangerous gas buildups... everything.

"Transmission complete."

"Data received. Does the Astraea have an ETA for us?" Buck asked before starting to look over the holo map that was starting to form as the shuttle data was combined with the mine sensor rig readings and mine layout. One area garnered attention a large spherical cavern at the end of a series of tunnels. Faint life forms had been detected nearby and no rescue teams in the vicinity.

"Nothing on that as of yet." Koh replied. "Will advise upon response. Over."

Yuteni looked over Rogers' shoulder at the results of the sensor scan, and motioned to the large open area on the scans, "That's not one of our's." he said grimly. "And none of our shafts went into a natural cavern."

“Initial casualty counts are in, minus the mines we aren’t looking too shabby,” Calvin said walking up. His clothes were a bit of a mess, which didn’t detract from his happy attitude. “The worst will be in the mine, hopefully Astraea will be here by then.”

"Great news." Buck jerked a thumb towards the map. "Got a mystery cave to explore. You want in"?"

"Rhetorical question?" Calvin asked with a sly smile. "Just need to restock the medkit and I'm ready to go."

"Excellent." Buck clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Lt Valenna, Lt McMillan, stay here and co-ordinate the rescue ops with the shuttle."


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