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Out of the Frying Pan

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2019 @ 11:08pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Alanah Matashi

Mission: War and Peacekeeping
Location: USS Astraea - Main Security Office

Abigail walked into Security, pausing momentarily at the door to the Security Chief's office before forcing a smile onto her face. It had been less than an hour since the communication had come in and it felt very much like she had lived a year in that time. This was definitely NOT proving to be the nice, calm, stress free maiden voyage she had planned.

"Lieutenant Matashi, I need a few moments of your time if I may?" Abigail asked as she closed the door behind her. "Sorry, I know you're busy, unfortunately this can't wait."

The first of the teams training scores had finally been crunched by the analytics computer and Alanah was taking it all in when the Commander came in. Alanah stood please, come in. What you need Cap?"

"Armed guards? Lots of them?" Abigail motioned for Alanah to be seated again before she sank into the visitors chair herself. "Our orders have changed, we've been directed to rendezvous with the Zendaya to retrieve the other Trion party, so we're about to have the makings for civil war on this ship and I'd rather not have this crew become casualties. I want your input on the best way to handle this situation."

Alanah hought for a second and remembered one of the Security crew had pondered this scenario once they had their orders and had submitted a plan in case something similar had happened. Alanah pulled the information on a PADD. "One of the Ensigns ran a scenario like this as a preplan idea." She handed in the PADD to Abigail. "You can see the general purpose would be when we take on the Trion party we house them in one of the Cargo bays we can fetch up some cots and have meals delivered. We confine them to that deck and confine out other guests to their deck and we beef up Security to both decks."

"Unfortunately, as tempting as that is, they're all guests of Starfleet and we need to treat them accordingly. We have the Trion Governmental guests the port VIP quarters. We can potentially house the infidels in quarters on the lower decks, but they will need to be in quarters, unless we move the Governmental guests as well." She paused for a moment and shook her head. "Either way, we're going to need to restrict them to quarters or where ever they are and make sure they're not traipsing all over the ship."

"We will deploy wherever you need us. I ask you dont dismiss the Cargo bay idea they can be converted to decent accommodations." Alanah explained. "It would not be like a holding area, but we will go where ever you need us."

Abigail smiled. "I'm not dismissing it at all," she said quietly. "It's actually really rather tempting. Have the new chef deliver their meals..." her voice trailed off, something of a smile turning up at the corners of her mouth. "Have you met him yet? I'm pretty sure even the Trion infidels wouldn't tangle with him."

"I have not had the chance. Since the briefing I have been drilling the new crew and working up Tactical analysis of the people in the middle of this way." Alanah offered with a smile.

Abigail nodded. "I'll be calling a senior staff meeting in the next few hours. I wanted a chance to meet with a few of you and get your minds ticking before we get together to formulate an official battle plan. I want everyone to be involved in this..." she paused momentarily, biting her bottom lip. "I think it's important that we're all on the same page at least, and we all know what's happening."

Waiting for a few moments, Abigail finally cast a small smile toward Alanah. "Thank you Lieutenant, I appreciate your time. I'll see you at the meeting. We'll work everything out then."


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