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Delta Costume Party - Part 4

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Commander William Rogers & Commander Ichiko Gail & Lieutenant Commander William Gunnison & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Lieutenant Veznia MD PSyD & Warrant Officer Koh Ottasu
Edited on on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 3:52pm

Mission: The Koldaran Encounter
Location: Tabula Rasa

A new figure walked into the gathering. The garb was simple, which made most of the costume fall upon the being wearing it. Simple denim overalls of a sort, a simple shirt, and a thatched straw hat that held her ears back along her head… carrying a basket, full of fake candy grass, and vibrantly colored eggs. Candy eggs. In a basket.

Carried by Commander Ichiko Gale, the Daughter of Ts’usu. She made her way up to the gathering, giving a nod to any she passed and presenting them with a small, but very colorful egg. Once she made it up to Abigail Ever After, she presented her captain with a colorful egg. “I love your costume.” she complimented with a soft smile, before turning to the others. Finally, she noticed Valeria, and her eyes widened ever so slightly.

“Emperor Noburu?” she inquired, and Valeria confirmed with a nod. “Indeed, though I don’t recognize your costume. Not a field worker, or a labor hand…”

"It's a cultural icon from Earth history. The origin is a bit lost to time, but I'd wager as important to the youth of Earth as Emperor Noburu was to the financial district." Ichiko started, "Earth refers to them as, The Easter Bunny. Yet another mark in the conspiracy theory that ancient Ts'usu visited Earth in its history to influence their culture." She softly giggled.

Stan marveled at how tasty the food was.With the keeping and killing of live animals now frowned on. It was amazing how science had helped to give an alternative. That not only ticked the boxes for the Nutrition requirements of most humanoids. But you really could not tell it was not real meat or fish.

“ These simulated chicken drumsticks are delicious.” He said offering a plate of some to his friends.

“Oooo, I’ll try some. Thank you.” Ichiko took Stan up on his offer, claiming a drumstick for herself. “A lot of our meat back on the home moons comes from the oceans. Land space was something of a premium, so any meat from land stocks was something of a delicacy. The invention of the Insipp unit helped supplant the food needs of the masses, but it wasn’t until we met the Dalacari…” Ichiko gave a nod to the ‘lone’ Dalacari in the room, “...that we had access to matter fabrication that made food that tasted like what it looked like.”

Valeria, in her million koku ensemble, took off a glove and rolled up a sleeve before she claimed a drumstick. Moving back the veil so she could take a nibble. These beings looked like rabbits… but they didn’t eat like rabbits, that was for sure.

“ Well I could tell you what they are made of. But that would spoil the taste experience.They are very delicious though. Plus the beauty of these is you can eat quite a few. Without the usual problems a large amount of meat would cause. On a humanoid body's digestive system. That’s probably more information than you require. Forgive me, the scientist in me sometimes takes control of my vocal cords.” Stan said

Valeria gave a soft smile, "Oh you're in no offense. The notion that knowledge is something to apologize for is barbaric." she commented, "Nevermind that the proteins that your digestive tract are made of, and the ones mine are made of are essentially the same is… well, fascinating."

“ It’s different for us humans. I remember a Great Uncle. He had these chocolate treats. That he used to give out at family gatherings. He was a funny old soul. He used to call me Stan number one. You see there are two people named Stan in the family. Anyway, these chocolate treats had a special ingredient. I won’t say what. But once the family knew. He was banned from giving them out.” Stan replied

Coming in later to the party, Emony wore an attire that didn’t exactly jump out in appearance. It was simple, a suit and tie that was a little on the sloppy side. This was under a well worn brown trench coat and her fiery red hair was tucked under an equally well worn black fedora. It wasn’t native to Trill, though likely she was the only one thus far that could tell. And the attire seemed to fit her mood right now, she didn’t feel like bright and flashy and wanted a reminder of what her job was in Starfleet.

The secrecy and design of the costume, or rather the attire, attracted the attention of one of the Daughters of Ts’usu in attendance. Walking over to the enigmatic figure, Ichiko gave a quizzical look to the figure. “What a fascinating concept. So simple, and yet … Okay this one is a human film piece, isn’t it? Only a Terran could take two pieces of clothing and make it work so completely.” she offered with an amused half-smile on her features.

“Agreed.” came the voice of the rockerboy ‘Johnny’ on the stage. “Earthers are good for that. Ingenuity and necessity and all that.” he replied, gruff, still trying to stay true to the character he portrayed, while still strumming a nameless tune on his four-string bass.

Emony looked between the two, she recognized Ichiko almost immediately, though she was only vaguely familiar with the other speaker. She pushed the brim up on her hat. “Well, not a specific character. More an archetype. Someone who has seen it all on these mean streets, works out of an office where trouble seems to always walk in the door. Called in to solve some case that isn’t what it seems but twists and turns until the stakes are at their highest.” Emony spoke in a more grizzled tone, almost narrating before cracking a smile.

“Early 20th Century Earth fictional private detective. I didn’t pick anyone in particular, but they all share a common attire around this era. I figured something from Earth would be more recognizable than Trill. Some of our cultural references are a bit too obscure.” Emony added with a shrug.

Rogers picked something off the food table and flicked it into the air. The crostini, although Rogers lacked the culinary education to know that is what it was called, arced gracefully through the air to land in his open mouth. He chewed. Swallowed. “20th Century Earth seems to be everyone’s goto.” He laughed. “Easy choice for me: it’s where I grew up. What made you pick it?” He asked Emony.

That caused a bit of a pause in the guitar. “Wait, you… you know what, no worries. Universe is full of crazy, sure to find someone out there that lives a lot longer than most.” the Thux waxed poetic for a bit, before returning to his strumming. A gentle bassline from a song, but it was missing the rest of the band. “Keep on keeping on, chum.”

She also arched her eyebrow, agreeing with the guitar playing fellow without completing the sentence. Emony then let it drop and shrugged again. “It’s the most stereotypical thing to fit what I do and what Kyl did with past hosts. I’m usually not very good at this sort of thing, if I’m honest. Plus, like I said, Trill’s cultural references are too obscure even for us - when you have generational symbiosis, there’s a lot of assuming others get the reference when they really had to be there.”

Dirk surveyed the crowd as it slowly diminished, seeing these crewmembers relax after the hell they had all been through was worth the extra work. He knew as he began to walk away that events of the last week would forever bind this group into a special brotherhood.


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