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Boarding the Astraea

Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2019 @ 7:14pm by

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: SB 357 / USS Astraea

Bertram Engels Jr was an unobtrusive figure despite the name. Sure, he was tall and a little awkward looking as he ambled along through the crowds of SB 357, but he had the kind of face that simply deemed him unremarkable. Soft to go along with bony elbows. Hapless almost, yet there was a purpose in his walk. A contradiction to be sure, but still not high enough to ping anyone's radar. Bert practically oozed safe in the most mundane way possible. Or perhaps it was his cologne. It was supposed to smell of cedar and bergamot.

He smiled at everyone that passed by him on general principle, looking for the smiles that reflected back from it and met them with a wink. That- that was his businesses: to reflected the good back into the world again. To remind people that they had the tools to even out the choppy waves and sail smoothly even if they didn't think they did and if they couldn't, then to help them find them again. It was his soul's calling. Something that spoke to him on a level that was almost spiritual.

Adjusting the carryon's strap on his shoulder, the lanky man stepped around a slower moving ensign and made a beeline for the slips. Through the crowd he caught the first glimpse of the Astraea through the station windows. She was a beautiful ship: all sleek lines and tapered ridges against velvet black. Brand new and gleaming in the star's and station's lights. And home. That would be home for now. A shared home with a few thousand other souls that he'd tend to and look after.

Absently, Bert thought about calling his parents. Of telling them that he was leaving on a new ship. That he was the chief counselor of a prestigious new vessel and ask what they thought of it, but he knew that they wouldn't accept his call. To them, their son died years ago. He waved the thought away as a frivolous distraction from the task at hand and focused on the task at hand. New ship came first. There was time for old gripes later.

Handing his orders to the crewman manning the docking ramp, Bert waited for the orders to process before making his way into the Astraea. She even smelled like new- like acetate and new carpeting. There wasn't a dig into the walls. Not a nice or scratch even. 'Just. Wait.' thought Bert, who started the hunt for his room so he could ditch his bag. 'That'll change soon enough.'

Lt. Bertram 'Bert' Engels, JR
Chief Counselor
USS Astraea


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