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The Sweetest Sound

Posted on Tue Dec 10th, 2019 @ 4:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: Sounds of Silence
Location: Sickbay

Abigail sat on the edge of the bio bed, watching as Calvin fussed around the room, remaining silent as she waited for him to finish what ever it was he was doing so he could restore her voice.

With her feet swinging idly back and forward, she found herself looking around sickbay, silently watching as others worked and generally just went around making themselves busy. The air of tension had been lifted, there were smiles and even the odd bout of laughter that could be heard, something that made her smile, even if only slightly.

Appearing as if out of thin air, Calvin dropped several hyposprays on the table next to the Captain. He reorganized them, lining them up appropriately, a little bit of OCD showing through his tired demeanor. "Alright, not going to lie, treatment hasn't been 100% with everyone. Improvements, not but as fast as I would like. Also going to warn you that nausea has been side effect, so you are getting an antiemetic as well." Glancing up at her vitals, he made sure she was in stable condition to start, a subconscious habit.

Abigail nodded slightly, watching him as he worked. He looked tired, there was no doubt about that. Picking up the PaDD that she still kept in her hand she typed out a quick message. "Once this is over, want a week off?" She asked with a slight smile. "You deserve it."

Calvin stopped long enough to read the PaDD and chuckled. "Cap, I don't think you want to see the mayhem I can cause when I have too much time off. I will probably pawn some responsibilities on others for a few days though," He replied with a wink. With gentle pressure he applied a hypospray, quickly swapped out for a second, and applied the second hypospray near the site of the first.

"It's going to take a few minutes, and you will sound hoarse. Like losing your voice naturally, don't push the vocal chords. They need time to recover," He stated as he took a step back to check on vitals again.

Sitting still, Abigail let him work, doing what he needed to do. As he stepped back, she waited a few more minutes before she tried to speak. "Did it work?"

Though scratchy and almost hoarse, the words spoken were definitely her own, a look of surprise forming across her face at the sound. "I can speak!" her voice rose slightly with excitement, her eyes widening as she smiled.

"I think you answered your own question," he responded with a weary smile. He stepped over to the console to input some information. "A few more tweaks and I think I can produce something that will work even faster." With some inputs and glancing up at the diagnostics he closed out the file and walked back over to her. "Do, not, overdo it."

Abigail nodded slightly again waiting a few more moments before she spoke again. "Will my voice go back to normal?" she asked, looking across at him. "I won't stay like this will it?"

"With the medication there should be no residual effects from the alien attack. It might take a few days for your voice to fully go back to normal," He answered. "You may have some bit of a headache and some more fatigue as the medication works its magic."

"So, basically I'll still feel the same for a few more days, but now I can talk," Abigail sighed softly. "I'll take what I can get. Thank you Lieutenant," she said, a tone of genuine gratitude in her voice. "I know it can't have been easy for you dealing with all this, but you've done exceptionally well."

Calvin shrugged. "I'm good, but I'm no McCoy," he responded. He turned and cleaned up the small mess he had made and returned his attention to her. "Thank you ma'am, I appreciate that. I should have the rest of the crew back at least talking by end of day. I anticipate within the week we'll all be back to our normal selves."

"I never thought I'd say this, but I've missed the sound of chatter," Abigail said with a soft laugh. "It really is true, silence is deafening." She slid off the bio bed and rested her hand lightly on his forearm. "You did good," she said gently. "But once this is over, take a few days off, okay? Captain's orders."

Raising an eyebrow, Calvin racked his mind trying to come up with a sarcastic response. Tiredness prevailed, and his face softened again, "Okay," was all he could muster before they parted ways.


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