View Award - CO's Merit Award

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CO's Merit Award

This commendation recognizes a silent achiever who has maintained significant contributions to the story, without necessarily contributing an excess of posts. Quality, over quantity

Awarded monthly.

Category: Both
Awarded: 8 times

Lieutenant Bianca Lee
Sun Jun 7th, 2020 @ 12:16pm
For a truly astounding effort for the month, for getting involved with everyone and for exemplifying the spirit of simming. Congratulations Lieutenant Bianca Lee.
Lieutenant Farizah Alani
Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 5:10pm
Awarded to Lieutenant Farizah Alani for the month of April 2020.
Lieutenant Commander William Rogers
Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 4:28pm
For always being involved and active, for always finding new and unique ways to stay involved when your position is on of the hardest on the ship to play, and for being committed enough to keep posting and tagging, even though you've been on holidays in one of the most gorgeous countries in the world!

Sat Feb 8th, 2020 @ 5:12pm
It is always difficult being the 'new guy', yet Lieutenant Styvek has handled it with amazing grace. Well done Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan
Sat Nov 2nd, 2019 @ 10:23pm
For always being ready and willing to write, coming up with unique ways to be involved with everyone.
Lieutenant Commander William Rogers
Wed Sep 11th, 2019 @ 12:48am
There is no doubt that there are a few positions on the ship that are harder to play than others, one of the biggest is helm. Lieutenant Rogers has not let that deter him, instead he has found unique ways to bring the skills his character has to offer into the plot, working well with other crew members and always striving to be involved and to involve others.

Thu Aug 1st, 2019 @ 8:46pm
Awarded to Lieutenant Bert Engels for continued quiet dedication to his position, for always being willing to work with anyone on the ship and for always making his posts enjoyable, both for the players involved and the players reading along.
Master Chief Petty Officer Hans-Peter König
Wed Jul 10th, 2019 @ 8:57pm
Brilliant writing, happy to work with everyone, amazing effort for such a new player to the game!