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Decisions Decisions

Posted on Thu Dec 31st, 2020 @ 2:45pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Linza (Lin) Esni

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Tantamount

There was nothing special about the small diner, in fact, being tucked away between other venues, it would be all too easy to overlook the small nondescript entrance if you didn't know where to look. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that Abigail liked it as much as she did. Here, sitting in the booth, no red cloth adorning her shoulders and no pips on her collar, she was just another person staring down a plate of food large enough to feed a small nation, sided with a cup of coffee that could easily pass for a bucket.

But, nondescript was what she wanted at this particular point in time. She's asked Linza to join her here, to talk. What remained to be seen was whether or not the other woman was going to show up.

Abigail hadn't handed her over the moment they had reached Earth, but she had left Linza in the care of Carissa, until other arrangements could be made. Mainly Abigail wanted to be sure that the woman would not be fed to the wolves by an over eager Starfleet Officer trying to earn a pip.

The last few days had been chaos, jumping through the hoops that Command had demanded of her, but now it was crunch time and she needed to make a decision about Linza's future. A decision that still weighed heavily at her heart.

The sound of the doors opening and the familiar voice of Carissa caught Abigail's attention. Looking up, she offered a nod to the two women who walked across the diner toward her. It was only after Linza was seated that Abigail turned her gaze back to Carissa. "Thank you Ensign, your services are no longer required. Enjoy your shoreleave."

Without waiting for another word, Carissa nodded then turned on her heel and walked away, leaving them alone.

"I'm glad to see you're still with us Ms Esni. Feel free to order breakfast," Abigail offered.

Raising an eyebrow but giving Carissa a polite nod, Linza looked back at the captain. "Indeed I am, though I am questioning as to why honestly, Captain." Looking over what was already on the table for breakfast, she ordered some scrambled eggs and bacon, along with a coffee nearly the size as the Captain's. "I also am curious why you asked me here."

Picking up the mug of coffee with both hands, Abigail took a sip before setting it back on the table between them. "I'll be honest, I've been at a bit of a loss as to what I'm meant to do with you. I suppose, technically speaking, I should be handing you over to Starfleet Command, but I have this little voice whispering in my soul that tells me that that's not the right thing to do. Leaving you in the care of Carissa gave me the ability to bide my time and make decisions." She picked up a fork and broke off a piece of a perfectly poached egg, watching as the yolk ran over the toast below. "The crew of the Astraea is being reassigned to a new vessel, together, which means now I have to make a decision. Tell me, Ms Esni, if you were in my position, what would you do?"

Taking a sip of her own coffee once she had it, Linza gave a soft sigh. "I never did like making command like decisions," she finally said quietly. "I messed up my own career, and I know that. And stole that shuttle I had, and more, when I ran off. Command would be looking for me. Most captains would have handed me over the moment we got back to Earth. But you didn't." She set her drink down, "I somewhat understand why now. But what I don't get is why you had to think things over."

"Because not everything in life is as it appears," Abigail said quietly. "Your fate, it seems, has been placed firmly in my hands, and I need to be sure I'm making the right decision, that what happens to you is a decision I can live with."

"One you can live with, Captain? I mean, I understand that, in the end, it is up to you. But why would you be thinking along those paths?" To Linza, she figured she'd be locked up in a brig or something similar waiting for command to get their hands on her. But this? She was completely confused.

Picking up a data PaDD from on the table next to her, Abigail thumbed into it, glancing at the contents before handing it across to Linza.

"Assignment orders on the new Astraea," she said quietly. "We're departing in three days for the Delta Quadrant. You've made some mistakes, but I am willing to give you a chance. It's up to you if you want to take it or not."

Reaching for the PADD, Linza read over it carefully. She then looked over at the Captain again. "Are...are you serious? You're offering this to me?"

Abigail nodded slowly. "If you want to accept it, it's yours. It's not an officers position, it's not even enlisted. You'll still be a civilian, but I will speak to Lieutenant Ehal about putting you on the roster in Security, that is, if you want the position."

It took another minute, but felt like longer, of Lin staring at the PADD in her hands before she finally was able to answer. "I never thought I'd ever have an offer like this. I...I accept the offer. Thank you, Captain."

"I have high expectations of you Miss Esni, you're going to have to work harder than anyone else to prove yourself, but the crew is full of good people, you'll be given a fair chance." Abigail smiled faintly. "I suggest you enjoy your last days on Earth while you can, we won't be back for a while."

"Completely understand, Captain. I promise to not let you down." She then bit her lip. "No one on the surface will give me problems then? I really would like to visit some places if possible. Just don't want security finding reasons to detain me." Lin gave a small shrug, "That'd put a wrench in the plans."

"Don't do anything you shouldn't and you won't have a problem. I've cleared your status with Command. If you do run into issues, I suggest you contact Commander Gail immediately." Abigail watched the other woman for a moment. "And I trust that your visits will remain thoroughly legal in nature," she cautioned.

"Right," Linza said with a small nod. "Been a while since I've been back here, should be fun. I'll keep out of trouble, I promise. And it'll all be legal too. Maybe actually buy some clothes, couple things I can keep for personal items. Enjoy a sunset or two. Thank you again, Captain, really."

"Of course," Abigail smiled. "Now, how about we finish breakfast? It seems we both have quite a bit we want to do before we depart."


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