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Remembering part 4

Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2020 @ 11:31am by Lieutenant JG Haru Hernandez

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Memory Log


It was funny how being trapped in a place without the certainty of getting out could affect the mind. Haru was a trained security officer and he knew what he was doing and had been in predicaments like this but...well after everything that had happened on Earth and perhaps his whole year prior his mind, while functioning for work, was also going over things.

He was remembering arguments, worries, but most of all he was remembering the unexpected turn of events on earth. He wondered how Max was doing on the Standing Bear. He'd be back to his ship by now. They had been dancing about things for a long time yet just in a few short days on Earth things had gone in a direction neither had expected but had wanted. He remembered the few hours they had spent together an the decision that had been made in mere minutes what would have a lasting effect on both...

=/\=Many days ago, prior to boarding on the Astraea=/\=

Max was the first to wake. He slipped into his boxers and slipped out of the room letting Haru sleep. He cleaned up a bit around the living room area and then ordered a coffee. He sat at the kitchen bar area thinking about everything.

He smiled as a kiss was placed on the back of his neck. “You are supposed to be resting.”

Haru got himself a coffee and took the opposite side across from Maximus. “Yeah well when I woke up you weren’t there.”

There was a silence between the two that Max broke. “We should talk about all this. We lived in a dream world all through the Academy, there was a pull from the first day we met during first year and it continued until we graduated and for me beyond. I mean we’re friends but this is more Kaito,” he said using Haru’s middle name again.

“It is. I’ve been with others but when I need strength I come back to this.” He motioned between the two of them.


“What,” Haru asked over the rim of his own coffee.

“What you Vulcan’s call T’hy’la a term that can mean friend, brother, lover or all at once. On Earth it is called soulmate but it cannot capture the essence as well as Capellan and Vulcan can. Earth language is limited.”

Haru gave a chuckle, “Well don’t you sound Vulcan.”

Max smiled, “I have my moments. It could also, of course, be your influence.”

There was a stretch of silence that Haru broke this time. “So what do we do?”

Max shrugged. “I don’t know. Why do we have to decide now or ever? This thing between us it is there, we both know it is there, it is something that gives us strength.”

Haru sipped his coffee. “When I started my last relationship…I loved her, I did but it was not like this.” He paused. “I knew, I know that I will never love anyone as fully as what we have. I will never feel for anyone as I feel about you.”

Max smiled a hint of a blush drawing on his cheeks. “I feel the same. I may enter relationships but you will always be my source of strength.“

Haru sighed. “So what do we do then?”

“Ah, that question again.” He paused. “My answer, again, is I don’t know. Why decide?”

“I don’t want to loose you, us, this,” Haru confided.

Max shrugged. “It’s been years and we still haven’t so what makes you think you will?”

Haru paused. Something floated in his mind. “What if we could have our cake and eat it too?”

Maximus laughed, his rich baritone laugh filling the room. “Oh?”

“I’m part Vulcan.”

“Yes I know. Your ears are a source of endless fascination for me.”

It was Haru’s turn to blush, “Yeah well what of the Tel, the co-joining of minds.”

“A mind meld.”

“But more. A tel-tor. A bond joining our minds so that when my pon’farr is triggered we would be drawn together.”

Max nearly spit out his coffee. “Are you talking about marriage.”

Haru sighed, “In a sense. We could have marriages, legal ones, outside but we would be drawn together every seven years. It would not be a full marriage bond but a telan. We’d be bonded less then a marriage but more then a betrothal. It could always stay thus. I trust nobody with my life more then you. I will never feel for anyone what I feel for you. I may love, perhaps, but never will my feelings ever be stronger for anyone then they are for you.”

Max was silent.

“Maximus, you cannot tell me you do not feel the same.”

Max looked up. “I struggle with this.”

“What part.”

“What if I do not want to marry anyone else what if I can live with what we have my whole life? You are so much to me and everyone else has commented that our relationship is unusually close for friends but that is because what we have transcends friendship. It is as if a whole was separated by light years and each half exists but when we’re together we are that whole.”

Haru reached out and took Max’s hand. The Telan, I would not want to bond with anyone other then you. To link our minds and souls in a cycle for life. A deep bond of the mind where we exist separately but will always be drawn to one another. It would not be as restrictive as the one Alexandra and Soral share but nonetheless it will be just as deep made so by how we feel.”

Max sighed. “The Telan. Let’s do it.”

Haru smiled. “Vulcan temple just two towns over. Tomorrow we’ll go.”

=/\=Present Day=/\=

He snapped back to reality with a jolt as a voice called for assistance. Hurrying Haru helped several other miners in lifting a beam that had fallen across a group. Each person was assessed and moved according to the level of severity of their injures. He had to keep his mind from going back into the memory when all he wanted to do was get lost in it.

He sighed. Max's face floated before his eyes again. Did he know that Haru was in trouble? Would he feel it if he died in this mine? Suddenly he realized that the dread and fear he was feeling was not for himself but for Max and how this would all affect him.



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