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The Dream That Won't Wake

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2020 @ 11:01am by Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Lieutenant Alexis Aenera

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Kessik III

Shaille started to blink slowly, light filtering through her eyelids, hurting her eyes. Her shoulder burned, an intense pain that came with every movement, then the memory of everything flooded back to her, right up to the blinding phaser blast before she lost consciousness. "Lexi," she hissed, tugging at her hands which were bound behind her back with some kind of cuff. "Lexi, are you alright? Lexi?" She hissed again, this time with a little more urgency.

"I'm here." Alexis said softly, eyes elsewhere, hands still and unmoving in her bonds, "Don't bother with the cuffs, I haven't been able to undo them at all in the last five minutes." There was an odd tone to her voice, by no means the bubbly ditz she often appeared to be. A growl came to her voice, "I'm sorry I couldn't feel what was coming in time."

"Not your fault," Shaille managed to work herself into an upright sitting position. "Lieutenant Alani is gonna have my head, following them away from the crowd was 'bad security 101' and I should have known better," she groaned slightly. "The stun setting must have been high, my arm and shoulder is still tingling." She glanced around the room, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light. "I'm not sure this has anything to do with that Cardassian, who do you think they are?"

"Kidnappers, probably looking for ransom to get off this rock." Lexi struck out with an annoyed foot at a pebble that she missed, "They didn't even care about the part we were looking for. I caught the deception and a rush of excitement before they shot us." Frustration was obvious, "I wish I were a stronger empath.. I've got a migraine from Hell going on right now, but things could be worse."

"Can you see my cuffs?" Shaille asked softly. "Is there a way to disable them? We need to assume that these people are hostile and try and find a way out before they come back."

"I think we're far more valuable to them alive rather than dead." Lexi mused, but shifted around to try to get a look at the cuffs, "They don't look all that complicated, metallic, like you see in all the old movies. Ooo, okay, they have a double-locking mechanism to keep someone from picking them. When they insert the key, physical key mind you, they also need to depress two studs at the same time."

"So no chance you can get it open?" Shaille asked with a sigh. "My commbadge and my phaser are gone so we can't even contact the shuttle."

"My comm too." Lexi confirmed, "And unfortunately, without either a skill at lockpicking or a telekinetic ability," The last was said wistfully, "I couldn't even be-gin." She trailed off, mind going into overdrive, "Maybe... I'd need to get a hairpin from my hair, then maybe if I could visualize the inside by tracing the pins with the pin, perhaps..."

Before Lexi could finish the thought, the doors opened and Meka stood in the doorway, grinning at the two of them. "Nice to see you're awake and alert. Now, it's time for me to go get your friends. Linz will be in in a moment to have a little chat with the two of you, I'm sure you're all going to be the very best of friends, I just know it."

There was a moment of laughter before the door slammed closed with a resounding thud.

Shaille turned toward Lexi, and gave a slight nod. "If you can do anything, do it now, quickly."


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