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Meet & Greet & Counsel

Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2019 @ 12:37am by Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: Astraea Jollification

Styveck arrived on the transport and quickly found his way to his quarters. Once inside he said, "Computer, Lieutenant Tavis Styvek, has officially reported for duty." The Computer then sent the notification to the Chief of Security to grant the necessary clearances, and to the Captain so she was aware of a new crewmen onboard.

Seeing the notification of crew transfer appear on her console, Abigail sighed softly. At least this transfer wasn't going to be quite so unwelcomed as the last. With everything the crew had been through, someone to keep track of their mental health was definitely a good thing in her opinion.

Reaching up, she tapped her commbadge lightly, as she leaned back in her chair. "Lieutenant Styvek, I know you have only just arrived onboard, but I'd like to speak with you in my ready room at your earliest convenience."

"Acknowledged Captain, I am on my way." Styveck made his way to the Ready Room and announced his presence.

"Enter," Abigail called, watching as he entered the room. A Vulcan. They sent her a counselor that was a Vulcan. She sighed inwardly. Not at all what she would have expected or anticipated. A Vulcan counselor?

Rising up, she held her hand out toward him. "Lieutenant Styvek," she said calmly. "Welcome aboard the Astraea. I was just about to get a drink, can I get you anything?"

Styveck shook the Captain's hand in the earth tradition, "Thank you Captain but I am fine at this time, I do not require a drink."

"Of course, take a seat," she said, motioning to the chair on the other side of the desk as she made her way to the replicator, ordering a chai latte before returning, her hands wrapped firmly around the mug. "I'll be honest," she said softly as she sank back into her seat, watching him curiously. "I do find the concept of a Vulcan counselor very... intriguing. What made you opt for counseling?"

“I tend not to discuss it, but I am Half-Human. My mother was human, I was raised on Vulcan by my father. I did not struggle with emotions at a young age like most human and Vulcans do. I got to meet my mother before she passed away. She was emotional and I felt nothing. I spent time meditating back on Vulcan but I did not discover the answers I was looking for. I decided to become a counselor so I could study emotions more among humans as well as other races.”

"I see." Abigail replied quietly, taking a sip of her chai. "Well... It is certainly good timing that you've been reassigned here now," she said quietly. "The last couple of weeks have been very trying on the crew, physically and emotionally. Lieutenant Morgan has been doing a wonderful job of keeping on top of everyone's physical health, but their mental health, especially his mental health, does concern me."

"You are concerned specifically about the mental well-being of the ship's Doctor?" Tavis asked wanting to clarify what the Captain said. "Has the Lieutenant done something to raise these concerns, Captain?"

Abigail realised, a little too late, how her statement had sounded. She sighed heavily and shook her head. "No, nothing at all." She paused for a moment, thinking about her words before she spoke again. "He has a difficult job at the best of times, but with the crew being attacked in the manner they were, he consistently put his own needs aside to deal with those of the crew. His actions were consistently selfless, and while yes, there is an element of that that is simply his duty, I imagine it must have been incredibly difficult for him to see what was happening with the crew and not know how to fix it."

"You're worried he is exhausting himself. I will speak to him Captain. Would it be to forward for me to ask how are you handling everything?"

"My primary concern at this point is my crew," Abigail said quietly. "Once I know they're okay I'll be happier."

"How are you dealing with everything that happened? Are you sleeping regularly or finding yourself more stressed than normal?" Styveck asked clinically.

"Sleep is a luxury few can afford," Abigail quipped lightly. "Right now, I'd prefer that you focus on the crew. I'll be less stressed when I know that they're in good condition. We were supposed to be reporting to Starbase 432 for our next orders. I have submitted a request to Starfleet to delay our arrival to give the crew some time to relax and recover."

"Captain, I mean no disrespect, but a crew follows it's leaders. They will follow the example you lead, as well as the example of the department heads. I would like you to make yourself visible to the crew relaxing and exuding confidence. Rest before the Yule festivities that you humans celebrate, so that you appear fresh and relaxed. I will expect the same from the rest of the Department Heads, I believe with this approach it will assist in demonstrating to the crew that they can relax and not remain at a heightened state of awareness or stress."

"Duly noted Lieutenant," Abigail said with a slight smile. "I'll see what I can do. If there's nothing else you need from me immediately I'll leave you to get settled before you start dealing with the crew."

"Thank you Captain," Styveck replied. He stood at attention, conducted a sharp about face and left the Captain's Ready Room.


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