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Let's Start Over.

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2019 @ 8:09pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

Mission: Getting To Know You

Abigail stared at the crew roster update, shaking her head with disbelief. They hadn't even left starbase yet and already her first officer had been reassigned. She needed a replacement, and in a hurry, which meant looking at the senior staff she already had on her ship. Almost instantly, her mind turned to Ichiko.

Pulling up the Ts'Usugi's service record, Abigail scanned through it quickly before summoning the Operations Officer to her ready room.

Ichiko was already starting up the process of personalizing the Operations Chief office to her liking. Barren walls do not a constructive workplace make. A few pictures of various landscapes, perhaps a starfield or a nebula. Her desk had one of her more cherished keepsakes: A simple drawing done in colored wax on paper by a 'highly skilled artist'.

Oneesan! Oneesan! Look what I drew for you!

A gentle smile crossed her features as she looked at the simple picture again. It was at this moment that the comm chime chirped, and she gave her badge a quick tap. A summons from the captain, so soon after they just spoke? Interesting.

Ichiko returned the picture to its place of honor on her desk, and made good time to the Captain's ready room, much to the delight of onlookers as she bounced around hallways. Once she arrived, she gave the announcer a tap.

She was expected, but she wasn't rude.

"Enter," Abigail called, semi distractedly as she tried yet again to access one of the secured files that should have been available on her console. Looking up, she saw Ichiko walking in and smiled apologetically. "Lieutenant, I'm sorry for summoning you back here so quickly," she said gently. "I'm afraid we've hit a little bit of a snafu with some duty assignments and I needed to speak to you before you got too settled in your department."

Ichiko made her way in, and was hardly to the chairs when the conversation began. She stood before the desk, protocol before pleasantry, and gave a nod, "I figured it was important if you called me back directly. Though, you wanted to speak before I got settled? Am I to be reassigned?" she almost sounded concerned.

Realisation dawned on Abigail at how her words could have been construed and she sighed inwardly, shaking her head quickly. "No, sorry, I didn't mean anything like that, well, not strictly anyway." She offered a smile. "How about another cup of tea?" Without waiting for an answer, she stood up and walked across to the replicator, ordering the tea for Ichiko and a chai latte for herself, carrying the two mugs back to the desk and setting them down. "So, before he's even gotten settled, my first officer has been reassigned," she said quietly, wrapping her hands around the mug, finding comfort in the warmth of it beneath her fingers.

Ichiko claimed the tea with a soft smile. A guest had duties too. Upon hearing that she was not being reassigned as say, she was relieved. "Sorry, it's second nature to look into the meaning of what is being said to me. Ts'usu is dominated by politics and protocol. The Dalacari say that we're a people of paperwork, and now that we're far enough away that I can turn and look, they aren't too mistaken." she smirked, and took a slow sip.

"An unexpected surprise. Life has a habit of challenging us wi..." she stopped, and smirked, "Am I to be offered the position? Or are you comfortable enough with me that you can panic slightly in my presence?"

Abigail nodded, though it was not immediately clear which of the two options she was meeting with the affirmative. "I reviewed your file and if you're willing to take it, I would very much like you to assume the role of first officer. It does have benefits, bigger quarters, a better office, nicer view... the downside is you have to deal with me panicking in your presence," she replied with a smile.

Ichiko actually gave a smile, "Then I accept. Lords know we have these ears for a reason." she motioned up, and gave her lengthy ears a twitch. "Though, will I still be in charge of the operations of, well, Operations? Or is this a full departmental move?"

"This will be a full department move," Abigail replied apologetically. "Your only responsibility will be command, and trust me, that's going to keep you hopping...." her shoulders slumped slightly as she realised what she said, shaking her head quickly. "Sorry, no pun intended," she said with smile.

To her credit, Ichiko handled the inadvertent joke rather well. Were it a second sooner, though, she might have spit out her tea. It took a moment or two for the rabbitess to compose herself, but she managed, clearing her throat, "Yes, well, bear in mind we only resemble rabbits. Earth isn't some long lost colony where were reverted to some animal state." she paused, "Or so I've been informed." she teased, and gave a soft smile. "No harm intended, no offense taken. All in good humor. Trust me, I've heard just about every rabbit joke in existence. Even had an ensign try a rabbit themed pick up line at a bar once."

"Though, as for the departmental shift, while I will be moderately sad to no longer be in operations, I'd be a fool to turn down a position on the command staff." and with a nod, and a degree of pomp and circumstance, "I formally accept the position."

"There is one more thing," Abigail said with a smile, opening her top desk drawer and pulling out a small black box. She set it on the desk, sliding it across to Ichiko.
"Congratulations Lieutenant Commander Ichiko Gail." She paused momentarily, a perplexed expression on her face. "Did I pronounce that correctly?"

"Thank you ma'am." she said as she accepted the box graciously. "And yes, you did." Abigail's accent was off, but Ichiko would overlook it.

Abigail breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a genuine smile. "I'm glad you accepted," she said softly. "I think I'm going to enjoy working with you. If you need anything changed or updated, let me know, but you shouldn't have any problems getting anything you need, I'll change your access momentarily to reflect your new status." She paused, taking a quick breath and smiling again. "But, for now, I've taken enough of your time. Get yourself settled in your new quarters and new office. And again, thank you."

Watching as Ichiko exited the ready room, Abigail leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes momentarily. Well, at least that was one drama resolved. Now to get onto the next one.


Commander Abigail Laurens
Commanding Officer
USS Astraea


Lieutenant Commander Ichiko Gail
Executive Officer
USS Astraea


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