Lieutenant Commander Ebrin Valek

Name Ebrin Valek

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 14 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 5:46pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bandi
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 182 cm (5'11")
Weight 82 kg (181 lbs)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Although Valek is Bandi, this is not readily apparent based solely on his physical appearance. To many, he is largely indistinguishable from the average human, thanks in no small part to his having been raised by human adoptive parents and spent nearly a decade in Starfleet service. Generally speaking, Valek has taken on the more simple, straightforward presentation of a typical officer, even during off duty hours. Rarely does he seek to draw attention to himself visibly.


Father Adehr Valek (deceased)
Gavin Wynter (deceased)
Mother Laene Valek (deceased)
Kirsten Wynter (deceased)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
  • Intelligent, a strategic thinker; able to assess situations and come up with solutions quickly
  • Hard working, determined; always willing to put in the effort to do things well, goes the "extra" mile
  • Kind, compassionate; mindful of his situation and of others, empathetic to people's feelings and experiences
  • Modest, quiet, reserved; more likely to be lifting up and affirming others than focusing on himself

    Growing Edges
  • although incredibly gifted, he occasionally struggles with feeling the need to prove himself (e.g. to have all the answers); he is learning to show himself more grace and recognize no one expects him to do it all on his own
  • in times of stress, he will sometimes overcompensate by leaning heavily into his work or putting others before himself, using these things to distract from his own issues; he is continually striving for a healthier balance
  • because of this, he can sometimes come across as more reserved and less assertive (at least in terms of his personal identity); he knows there are times when he needs to be more intentional about sharing and opening up with others
  • Ambitions Core Values
  • Achievement (sense of accomplishment by means of skill, practice, perseverance, or exertion)
  • Help society (do something to contribute, to improve the world)
  • Integrity (sincerity and honesty)
  • Knowledge (understanding gained through study and experience)
  • Responsibility (being accountable for results)

  • To better understand and be confident in who he is absent connection to living family (and without reliance on work).
  • To be someone others can trust an rely on, especially when times are tough, and who won't shirk his responsibility.
  • To explore the unknown like the crew of Voyager (and so many others before them).

  • To demonstrate his capability as leader (esp. within the context of field study).
  • To earn command, preferably of a deep space explorer, and to bear it well.
  • To find a true companion, someone who he can share the rest of his life with.
  • Hobbies & Interests
  • reading, history, and study of cultures (especially Delta Quadrant)
  • spending time in the outdoors (e.g. gardens, arboretums, forests, parks, etc.)
  • mild sport (lacrosse, football/soccer, martial arts)
  • cooking (for himself or for close friends, not for strangers or larger groups)
  • traveling (seeing new places, learning about them)
  • listening to music

    Languages: Bandi, Federation Standard, Vulcan, Romulan, Borg language (written), Hirogen

  • Service Record CDT | Strategic Operations & Political Science | Starfleet Academy, Earth (2380-2384)
    XXX | Cadet Field Experience | {{Location TBD}} (2381)
    XXX | Cadet Field Experience | USS K'warko (Obena-class) (2382-2383)
    XXX | Cadet Field Experience | USS Lysithea (Luna-class) (2383-2384)

    ENS | Tactical Officer & Strat Ops Officer | USS Hokule'a (Dauntless-class) (2384-2386)
    LTJG | Tactical Officer & Strat Ops Officer | USS Hokule'a (Dauntless-class) (2386-2387)
    LTJG | Dep. Chief Tactical Officer & Strat Ops Officer | USS Esquiline (Vesta-class) (2387-2388)
    LT | Dep. Chief Tactical Officer & Strat Ops Officer | USS Esquiline (Vesta-class) (2388-2389)
    LT | Chief Tactical Officer & Strat Ops Officer | USS Esquiline (Vesta-class) (2389-2392)
    LT | Strategic Operations Officer | 11th Fleet Operations (Cestus III) (2392-2393)
    LCDR | Strategic Operations Officer | 11th Fleet Operations (Cestus III) (2393-2394)
    LCDR | Strategic Operations Officer | USS Astraea (Odyssey-class) (2394-Present)